Strive to achieve new heights in the midst of the current——Ftunex Group's 2023 employee conference and team building activities concluded successfully


Spring is here, and everything is singing in harmony. In this season full of vitality and hope, Ftunex Group held its first group staff meeting in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province on May 12, 2023. All employees from Shanghai, Shandong, Hebei, Anhui, Luoyang, and Hainan gathered in Yanzhao to participate in this significant group event.

Dr. Xu Zhanjie, Chairman of Ftunex Group, proposed the guiding ideology of "taking small steps and stopping to see", emphasizing that the problems in the current development process should be summarized and reflected upon in a timely manner, and dynamically adjusted to build a solid foundation for the enterprise, so as to move forward steadily. In the future, the group will continue to optimize the organizational structure, strengthen cultural construction, establish and improve the talent training system, optimize various systems, enable professional software to achieve integrated office, etc., to contribute to the new journey of Ftunex Group. Wang Ming, General Manager of Ftunex Group, Huang Xiaoqiang, General Manager of Hebei Huafei Engineering, and other company leaders also made important speeches on the next development of the group.

After the meeting, a two-day team building activity was arranged. All employees of the group visited the national 5A-level tourist attraction - Yesanpo Scenic Area in Baoding, Hebei, and enjoyed the magnificent landscape and the charm of nature. Along the way, everyone laughed and talked, and their enthusiasm was high. They relaxed their bodies and minds. In the sound of everyone's conversation, the understanding and trust between employees increased, and they felt the atmosphere of "one family" in Ftunex Group, which not only enhanced the collective identity and corporate culture awareness of employees, but also improved the ability of teamwork and overall awareness.

At the end of the team building activity, the group arranged a grand thank-you dinner and interspersed the lucky draw. The generous prizes pushed the atmosphere to a climax. The leaders of the group went to each table to raise a toast to express their gratitude, and the fatigue of a day's tour was swept away. Sing and laugh, spend a good time together. Thank you for your company along the way, all employees gathered together to share the feast.

Through this conference and team building activities, everyone felt the cohesion and centripetal force of Ftunex Group. With mutual cooperation and encouragement, everyone expressed that they will work harder and cherish every day in Ftunex Group. I believe that in the future, under the leadership of the group, every Ftunex person will move forward more courageously, create more comprehensive and higher-quality works to give back to the society, and Ftunex will also be more active in fulfilling its social responsibilities, facing customers with heart, and impressing customers with quality. Adhere to the corporate philosophy of "honesty, integrity, openness, and tolerance", work together, and firmly believe that sincerity can move mountains and open stones! Don't forget your original intention, keep your mission in mind, and work hard to realize our dreams!


Review: Gao Dong Editor: Hao Wenming Editor: Wang Yajing

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