The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Survey and Design Association held a series of expert lecture series activities for professional and technical training and learning in the survey and design industry (Phase II)


On October 10th, the "2023 Autonomous Region Survey and Design Industry Related Professional and Technical Training and Learning (Phase II)" expert lecture series, hosted by the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Survey and Design Association and undertaken by Xinjiang Weitai Development and Construction (Group) Co., Ltd., was successfully held in Urumqi. The event invites renowned mainland industry planning architect, disseminator of new design concepts, and senior expert in architectural site design, Professor Yan Han, to give a lecture on the theme of "Understanding Business and Dialectical Design".

This expert lecture event will be conducted through online live streaming and the linkage between the main and sub venues. The event was hosted by Li Jungang, Deputy Chief Architect of Weitai Design and Research Institute, and Zhang Chunyan, Deputy Secretary General of the Association, attended the main venue. Expert representatives from Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Construction Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., China Northwest Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. Xinjiang Branch, Xinjiang Nonferrous Metallurgy Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., and China Foreign Jianhuacheng Engineering Technology Group Co., Ltd. Xinjiang Branch were specially invited to participate in the event at the main venue. The designers present actively asked questions and interacted during the free academic exchange session. Multiple member units of the association organize technical personnel from relevant majors to gather in their respective units for online learning.

This lecture is a continuation of the first expert lecture activity of the year. Professor Yan Han analyzed the concept of business design through the external influence of business in the first expert lecture. This issue mainly starts with the internal impact of business and analyzes the thinking mode that should be possessed in business design. By analyzing the project situation, layout, volume, style, space, value, and other aspects of the Wenshu Fang case, vivid references and lessons were provided for participating designers to better understand how to apply dialectical thinking design thinking, innovation and optimization in commercial design.

At present, more and more newly developed commercial entities are emerging, such as Wuyue Square in Shuimogou District, Urumqi City, and the commercial transformation of Meimei 3 project. This indicates that commercial design is still a common design type in Xinjiang and there is still a lot of room for development. However, compared to the mainland, Xinjiang's understanding of commercial design is mostly fragmented and unsystematic. Through the sharing and academic exchange in this expert lecture, the context of commercial design has been clarified, and the understanding and ability of designers in Xinjiang region towards commercial design have been enhanced, which is beneficial for designers to better create commercial designs that meet user needs.

The expert lecture activities provide a platform for designers to communicate and share, not only broadening their horizons and acquiring knowledge and experience, but also promoting professional exchanges and cooperation within the industry. The association will continue to organize expert lecture activities to provide more professional training and learning opportunities for practitioners in the industry, and strive to promote high-quality survey and design industry in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

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