Announcement from the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China


The Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China approved the following 12 safety production industry standards, among which AQ/T 2033-2023 "Specifications for the Construction of Emergency Evacuation Systems in Metal and Non-metal Underground Mines" replaced the original AQ 2033-2011, AQ/T 2034-2023 "Specifications for the Construction of Compressed Air Self-rescue Systems in Metal and Non-metal Underground Mines" replaced the original AQ 2034-2011, AQ/T 2035-2023 "Specifications for the Construction of Water Supply and Rescue Systems in Metal and Non-metal Underground Mines" replaced the original AQ 2035-2011, and AQ/T 4105-2023 "Fireworks and Firecrackers - Method for Determination of TNT Equivalent of Pyrotechnic Powder" replaced the original AQ 4105-2008. It is hereby promulgated (see the attached standard text) and will be implemented from August 20, 2023.

Ministry of Emergency Management

February 21, 2023

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