The Fourth Second Member Conference of Chongqing Survey and Design Association was successfully held


On the afternoon of September 27, 2023, the Fourth Second Member Conference of Chongqing Survey and Design Association was held in the Jinxiu Hall of Yuzhou Hotel, with a refreshing autumn and the fragrance of osmanthus flowers. Leaders such as Gong Yi, Director of the Green Building Design Department of the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Commission, Li Yang, Director of the Social Organization Management Bureau of the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, and Ren Qiang, Deputy Secretary of the Comprehensive Party Committee of Social Organizations in the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Industry, attended the meeting. More than 450 representatives from member units participated in the conference. The conference was chaired by Zhong Shusheng, Vice Chairman of the Fourth Council.

At the meeting, the participants learned the spirit of the second and third plenary sessions of the sixth session of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, deliberated and passed the interim work report and financial report of the fourth session of the Council, deliberated and passed the revised draft of the Association's Articles of Association, deliberated and passed the midterm adjustment of election methods, and elected the new president and secretary-general of the fourth session of the Council by secret ballot. Comrade Xue Wei serves as the Chairman, and Comrade Feng Shu serves as the Secretary General.

Chairman Xue Wei, on behalf of the leadership team of the association, delivered an inaugural speech titled "Adhering to Integrity, Innovating, Fulfilling Duties, and Creating a New Situation in the Association's Work". He promised that the association will continue to uphold the fundamental purpose of "serving members, serving the industry, and serving society", and focus on three aspects of work: first, continuously strengthening party building work, giving full play to the leading and exemplary role of party building and the political core role; The second is to focus on the main responsibilities and businesses, and play a bridging role. On the one hand, we need to strengthen investigation and research, and be a good assistant to the industry regulatory department; On the other hand, we must vigorously promote technological innovation, guide enterprises to strive for excellence, and assist member units in sustainable and healthy development; Thirdly, we need to strengthen our own construction, improve the service capabilities of the association, fulfill our duties, and make every effort to promote the high-quality development of the industry.

Director Gong Yi finally delivered a speech, in which he affirmed the achievements of the association and also put forward five requirements for the future work of the association: firstly, to strengthen the leading role of party building and improve the effectiveness of various work; The second is to strengthen member services and improve service levels; Thirdly, we will continue to conduct industry research to provide a basis for government decision-making; Fourthly, leveraging the wisdom of industry experts to assist in the innovative development of the industry; The fifth is to fully leverage the role of the branch and actively carry out activities such as industry research, technical training, academic exchanges, achievement transformation, and excellence evaluation.

The conference ended successfully with warm applause. Under the leadership of the new leaders, the association will not forget its original intention, keep in mind its mission, and build itself into an industry association that the party and government trust, members support, and society is satisfied with.

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