Sinopec's first super charging and swapping integrated energy station put into operation


☆The charging area covers an area of 7622 square meters, equivalent to 18 basketball courts, and has 142 charging parking spaces

☆Charging takes up to 10 minutes, and a single battery change only takes 5 minutes

☆The charging shed is a photovoltaic power station with an annual power generation of 220000 kWh and an annual carbon dioxide reduction of over 200 tons

On November 17th, the reporter learned from the Sinopec News Office that the first super charging and swapping comprehensive energy station of Sinopec, Anhui Petroleum Volkswagen Comprehensive Energy Station, has been put into operation in Hefei. This station integrates functions such as refueling, charging, battery swapping, photovoltaic, and energy storage. It is currently the station with the largest number of charging terminals in Sinopec. Among them, the photovoltaic power station transformed from a charging shed has an annual power generation of about 220000 kilowatt hours and can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 219 tons per year. This is the latest practice of Sinopec in building a world-class modern comprehensive energy service provider, which will effectively promote China to accelerate the construction of a high-quality charging infrastructure system and help achieve the "dual carbon" goal.

Building high-quality charging infrastructure to create a convenient energy replenishment experience for new energy vehicle travel. The Volkswagen Comprehensive Energy Station is located in the Government New Area of Hefei City, Anhui Province, surrounded by numerous high-end shopping malls and office buildings, with a large demand for charging and swapping in the market. The total area of the station is 11285 square meters, of which the charging area covers an area of 7622 square meters, equivalent to 18 standard basketball courts. There are 142 charging parking spaces of different types such as fast charging, truck fast charging, liquid cooled supercharging, etc. The fastest charging time is only 10 minutes. In addition, the station also has one cooperative charging and swapping station, which only takes 5 minutes for a single swapping. Users can experience charging and swapping services through the "Yijie Refueling" one click charging and "Hefei Charging" platform, greatly improving the efficiency of vehicle energy replenishment.

Innovatively integrating cutting-edge technologies such as photovoltaics and energy storage, and practicing the concept of green and low-carbon development. The Volkswagen comprehensive energy station has introduced an integrated intelligent management system of "light, storage, charging, and discharging", transforming the charging shed into a photovoltaic power station with a total installed power of 200 kilowatts and an annual power generation of about 220000 kilowatt hours. The annual carbon dioxide emissions reduction is 219 tons, equivalent to planting 12000 trees. At the same time, it is also equipped with 645 kWh energy storage equipment, which can store low valley electricity and flat electricity for users while ensuring stable output of green electricity generated by photovoltaics.

Build an ecosystem of "people, cars, and life" to meet the demand for "one-stop" consumption. The station has introduced various formats such as the "Yijie Zhenxuan" flagship store, Zhen Tavern, fast food and snacks, Driver's Home, Love Station, entertainment and leisure, and card issuing center. The Yijie shopping area covers thousands of Yijie products and nearly a hundred cross-border products from the Yijie Haigou platform. In addition to refueling and charging, driver friends can also enjoy value-added services such as dining, car washing, massage, reading, etc., providing more high-quality experiences for waiting customers and becoming a living station at the doorstep of the general public.

As the largest domestic oil sales enterprise, Sinopec is also an important participant and promoter of the new energy vehicle industry. The company continues to accelerate the pace of new energy transformation, utilizing network advantages, brand advantages, etc., to continuously accelerate the layout of charging and swapping businesses, vigorously carry out the construction of charging infrastructure, and provide comprehensive energy supply for consumers. Meanwhile, Sinopec insists on empowering green development with innovation and has successfully tackled a number of key core technologies. The company focuses on the weak links in the new energy vehicle industry chain, accelerating the research and development of key core technologies such as hydrogen energy, automotive lightweighting, and battery materials. It has made significant progress in electrolytic water hydrogen production technology, as well as core component materials such as fuel cell catalysts and gas diffusion layers. It has built and put into operation the first methanol hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated station in China, successfully realizing the industrialization of new automotive lightweight synthetic resins and special synthetic rubber for electric vehicle tires, and achieving industrial mass production of special high molecular weight polyethylene materials for lithium battery separators. In addition, Sinopec has deepened mutually beneficial cooperation with domestic and foreign partners in fields such as fuel cells, automotive industry, hydrogen energy, and new chemical materials through strategic investments and joint ventures, achieving good results.

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