The fifth meeting of the third Council of China-Asean Agricultural Resources Chamber was held


On December 6, the fifth meeting of the third Council of the China-Asean Agricultural Resources Chamber was held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. In the same period, the first member meeting of the second session of the International Water-soluble Fertilizer Branch of the Chamber of Commerce, the eighth session of the Standing Council of the Chamber of Commerce and the second plenary meeting of the second session of the International Trade Committee of the Chamber of Commerce were held.

Long Wen, Director of the Agricultural Production Materials and Cotton Bureau of the All-China Supply and Marketing Cooperative Society and President of the China-Asean Agricultural Resources Chamber of Commerce, attended the meeting and made a concluding speech. Ren Jianping, deputy director of Sichuan Supply and Marketing Cooperative Council, addressed the meeting. Fan Huiqun, Executive Vice President and secretary-general of China-Asean Agricultural Materials Chamber of Commerce, chaired the meeting and made a report on the work of the Council and financial report to the General Assembly.

In his concluding speech, Longwen put forward four points on the future work of the Chamber of Commerce. First, pay close attention to macro policy trends and seize good development opportunities. Actively strengthen cooperation with ASEAN countries in agricultural materials, agricultural trade and technology investment, organically combine going out with bringing in, and strive to gradually build a new development pattern in the field of agricultural materials in which domestic and international double cycles mutually promote each other. Second, strengthen foreign exchanges and cooperation, and act as a bridge for closer ties with ASEAN. We should actively carry out foreign exchanges, further strengthen contacts with relevant government departments, embassies and consulates, business associations and enterprises of ASEAN countries, build a comprehensive information platform on Lancang-Mekong agriculture, agricultural resources, trade and technology, and constantly open up new heights of international cooperation. The third is to strengthen the construction of the chamber of commerce itself and improve the efficiency of service functions. It is necessary to further strengthen its own construction, improve the service level of members, and enhance the influence of the Chamber of commerce at home and abroad. Fourth, give full play to the role of branches and explore new driving forces for the development of chambers of commerce. It is necessary to reflect the demands of members in a timely manner, put forward policy suggestions, and help the Chamber of Commerce fight for policies and improve services. She put forward work requirements for the second session of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, hoping that the new board of directors and the leadership team should have a new outlook and new actions, shoulder responsibilities and missions, seize development opportunities, in-depth research industry needs, focus on expanding the membership base, strengthen industry exchanges and technological innovation, and improve influence and visibility through various activities and projects. Make new achievements in the work of the branch.

Ren Jianping said in his speech that in recent years, the Chamber of Commerce has held a series of activities such as agricultural technology training, industrial summit forums, docking exchanges, and economic and trade negotiations, which have enhanced regional resource sharing, market docking and business development. The Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce International Water-soluble Fertilizer Branch have long supported the development of agricultural materials in Sichuan, consolidated and expanded the advantages of agricultural materials services, and promoted the green upgrading of agricultural materials. The Sichuan supply and marketing system will focus on the major issues of the country and the province to thoroughly implement the arrangements of the Party Central Committee, The State Council, the provincial Party committee and the provincial government and the national Supply and marketing General Bureau, adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving agriculture, accelerate the construction of a comprehensive platform for serving agriculture, promote the in-depth reform and high-quality development of supply and marketing cooperatives, strengthen the planning and construction of agricultural resources network system, and play the role of the main force of agricultural resources circulation. Serve the construction of "Tianfu granary" and help the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside. At the same time, deepen and expand exchanges and cooperation with supply and marketing systems across the country, agricultural materials enterprises, as well as Lancang-Mekong sub-region countries, ASEAN and "Belt and Road" countries in agricultural and agricultural materials economic and trade development, build a bridge of friendship, sing a good economic and trade drama, share opportunities of The Times, and seek common development in the future.


In the work report of the Chamber of Commerce Council, Fan Huiqun summarized the main work carried out by the Chamber of Commerce in the past year from four aspects: First, to guide members to do their best to supply agricultural materials and serve to ensure national food security; Second, we need to seriously undertake and implement Lancang-Mekong cooperation projects to deepen agricultural cooperation and exchanges. Third, actively organize and participate in a number of activities to strengthen exchanges and member services at home and abroad; The fourth is to constantly standardize and strengthen the construction of chambers of commerce to improve their development and service capabilities. In the next step, the Chamber of Commerce will continue to do a good job of ensuring the supply of domestic agricultural supplies and stabilizing prices, and fully serve agricultural production and food security; Further upgrade and build a Lancang-Mekong comprehensive information platform on agriculture, agricultural resources, trade and technology; Actively carry out economic and trade promotion activities; Strengthen the self-construction of chambers of commerce, further give play to the important role of non-governmental diplomacy, build efficient and pragmatic platforms, promote resources, information sharing and market docking, and better serve the government, industry and members.


The meeting reviewed the work report and financial report of the fifth meeting of the third session of the Council of the China ASEAN Agricultural Materials Chamber, passed the list of new development members, adjusted the list of vice presidents and executive directors, and the "Management Measures of the China ASEAN Agricultural Materials Chamber of Commerce Branch in China" (revised draft), and voted to pass the resolution of the third session of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce.


At the same time, the International Water-soluble fertilizer Branch of China ASEAN Agricultural Resources Chamber held the second member meeting and established the second council. Fan Huiqun made a report on the five-year work of the first committee of the International Water-soluble Fertilizer Branch of the China ASEAN Agricultural Resources Chamber of Commerce. The meeting voted to pass the list of members of the second Council of the International Water-soluble Fertilizer Branch of the Chamber of Commerce and established the second committee of the International Water-soluble fertilizer Branch of the Chamber of Commerce.


At the same time, the conference also held the eighth session of the third Standing Council of the Chamber of Commerce and the second session of the second member meeting of the International Trade Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, discussed the situation and opportunities and challenges of the domestic and foreign fertilizer market production and trade, and exchanged opinions and suggestions on the development of the industry and the work of the Chamber of Commerce.

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