Guiding Opinions of the State Council Work Safety Commission Office on Further Strengthening the Construction of National Safety Production Emergency Rescue Teams


Recently, the Office of the State Council's Work Safety Committee issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of National Safety Production Emergency Rescue Teams" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). In order to facilitate the understanding and grasp of the content of the "Opinions" and to implement it in a solid manner, the relevant contents are interpreted as follows:

1. Drafting Background

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to emergency management and safety production work. On November 29, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the 19th collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and delivered an important speech, making a comprehensive discussion on promoting the modernization of my country's emergency management system and capabilities, emphasizing the need to strengthen the construction of emergency rescue teams and build an emergency rescue team that is both professional and regular, responsive, strong in style, and highly skilled; to strengthen the combat effectiveness of emergency rescue teams, to make up for shortcomings, strengthen weaknesses, and improve the rescue capabilities of various disasters and accidents; to adhere to the principle of being few but fine, and to create sharp knives and fists. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech provides scientific ideological guidance, fundamental political guarantees and strong development momentum for the construction of emergency rescue teams, including safety production emergency rescue teams.

All regions and relevant departments have taken Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as guidance, conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and actively promoted the construction of a safety production emergency rescue force system. The team command and management system has been continuously improved, the emergency rescue efficiency has been significantly improved, and the support and guarantee capabilities have been significantly strengthened. 102 national safety production emergency rescue teams with more than 22,000 people have been established, playing an irreplaceable backbone role in accident rescue in mining, hazardous chemicals, oil and gas extraction and pipeline transportation, tunnel construction and other industries, and have made positive contributions to preventing and resolving major safety risks and protecting the lives and property of the people. At the same time, it should be noted that in practice, there are still problems such as the need to improve the team management system and mechanism, strengthen education and training, improve the level of professional rescue techniques and tactics, relatively insufficient investment, lagging behind in the update of advanced and applicable equipment, and imperfect occupational security policies. In addition, with the implementation of my country's new industrialization and rural revitalization strategies, the construction and operation of major national projects such as the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Western Development, and the Xiong'an New Area, and the construction and management of high-risk areas such as national chemical parks and oil reserve bases, further highlight the contradiction between the demand for emergency rescue forces for work safety in economic and social development and the imbalance and inadequacy of the current team building and development.

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on emergency management and work safety and the relevant decisions and arrangements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promote the construction and development of the national work safety emergency rescue team to adapt to the new era, new situation and new tasks as soon as possible, solve the difficulties and problems currently faced by the team, further optimize the scale, structure and layout of the professional rescue team, promote the improvement of the overall ability and quality of the team, and truly build it into a sharp knife and fist force for national work safety emergency rescue, meet the needs of economic and social development and national strategy, this "Opinion" has been formulated.

2. Drafting process

In the process of drafting the "Opinion", we always grasp the requirements of high position, in-depth research, accurate problem discovery and practical solutions: First, in-depth investigation and research. On the basis of comprehensive written investigation, on-site investigation was carried out with focus, and seminars on the reform of national production safety emergency rescue team construction were organized many times. Representatives of local emergency management departments, national production safety emergency rescue teams and supporting units (enterprises) were convened to discuss and study countermeasures on the responsibilities of national production safety emergency rescue teams in emergency rescue work in the new era, the difficulties and problems faced by construction and development, how to promote high-quality development of the team, and better undertake the rescue tasks of major accidents and disasters. Second, extensive opinions were solicited. In the process of drafting the "Opinions", on the basis of soliciting opinions from relevant departments and units of the Ministry of Emergency Management and revising and improving them, the opinions of relevant members of the Safety Committee, provincial emergency management departments, national production safety emergency rescue teams and supporting units, and production safety associations were widely solicited, and opinions were publicly solicited from the public. All feedback opinions received were carefully studied one by one, and most of them were adopted and absorbed, so that the goals, tasks, measures, etc. proposed in the "Opinions" were in line with reality to the greatest extent, and practical problems were solved, and the goal of promoting the overall quality and upgrading of the team's capabilities was finally achieved. At the same time, according to relevant regulations, an application was made to the National Development and Reform Commission to carry out and pass the consistency assessment of the "Opinions" with the macro policy orientation. Third, pay attention to overall coordination. The research and drafting of the Opinion focuses on improving the system of emergency rescue forces for safe production and effectively improving the emergency rescue capabilities for safe production. It focuses on reform measures in terms of the team's responsibilities and missions, management system, operation mechanism, and safeguard measures. It is linked to the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Construction of Emergency Rescue Forces" and the "Overall Plan for the Construction of Emergency Rescue Forces for Safe Production". At the same time, it promotes better implementation of the relevant requirements of laws and regulations such as the "Safe Production Law" and the "Regulations on Emergency Response to Production Safety Accidents".

III. Overall considerations

Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, closely focus on the establishment of a large-scale safety and emergency framework and the general requirements of building a national emergency rescue team with "specialization and regularity, quick response, strong style, and high skills", focus on political team building, reform team building, scientific and technological team building, talent team building, and team building in accordance with regulations, adapt to the needs of reform and development, comprehensively improve the overall rescue capability level of the national emergency rescue team for safe production, play a greater role in preventing and resolving major safety risks and protecting the lives of the people, and provide strong guarantees for resolutely safeguarding national security and social stability.

First, adhere to the leadership of the Party. Strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party over the construction of the national safety production emergency rescue team, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, give full play to the role of party organizations at all levels, and ensure the correct development direction of the construction of the national safety production emergency rescue team.

Second, adhere to the "two supremes". Establish the concept of people first and life first, always put the protection of people's lives and safety first, and vigorously improve the team's rapid response and efficient handling capabilities around the goal requirements of saving people quickly, saving more people, and reducing property losses.

Third, implement co-construction and co-management. Adhere to the government-led and enterprise-responsible, clarify the responsibilities and obligations of the state, local governments, and enterprises, jointly promote the construction of the national safety production emergency rescue team, and encourage social forces to participate in and support the construction of the team.

Fourth, give play to professional advantages. Strengthen the construction of professional rescue capabilities for production safety accidents, create professional rescue spearheads and fist forces that meet the needs of the modernization of national emergency rescue capabilities, and moderately expand the field of emergency rescue services based on their own duties.

Fifth, adhere to the combat effectiveness standard. Adhere to the principle of being small but excellent to optimize the layout of the national emergency rescue team for production safety, focus on improving the combat effectiveness of the team, make up for shortcomings and strengthen weaknesses, strengthen practical training and exercises, and rely on scientific and technological equipment to improve the scientific, professional, intelligent and refined level of emergency rescue.

IV. Main Contents

The Opinions are divided into three parts.

The first part clarifies the overall requirements. It expounds the guiding ideology, puts forward the principles for the construction of the national emergency rescue team for production safety, and puts forward the two-stage development goals by 2026 and 2035 around the general requirements of building a national emergency rescue team with "specialization and regularity, quick response, strong style and high skills", so as to promote the rescue capabilities of the national emergency rescue team for production safety to adapt to the needs of socialist modernization.

The second part focuses on the capacity building of the national emergency rescue team for production safety, and puts forward nine main tasks. The first is to strengthen the responsibilities and missions of the team. It further clarifies the responsibilities and tasks of the national emergency rescue team for production safety as the backbone of the national emergency response, in five aspects: professional rescue, disaster rescue, accident prevention based on enterprises, social services and popular science propaganda. The second is to strengthen the political construction of the team. By strengthening the construction of party organizations, strengthening the party's leadership over the national safety production emergency rescue team, and improving the team's ability to perform its duties by strengthening ideological and political education, theoretical training, discipline requirements, and style construction. Third, strengthen the construction of a joint construction and co-management mechanism for the team. Clarify the responsibilities of the three levels of the Ministry of Emergency Management (including the National Safety Production Emergency Rescue Center), provincial emergency management agencies, and provincial bureaus of the Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, and supporting units, and jointly build and strengthen the national safety production emergency rescue team. Fourth, strengthen the construction of the team mobilization and command mechanism. In accordance with the principle of "who mobilizes, who is responsible", the Ministry of Emergency Management (including the National Safety Production Emergency Rescue Center), provincial departments and supporting units have clarified the authority of mobilizing the national safety production emergency rescue team to carry out rescue, and implement rescue command and provide combat support according to the authority. It is proposed that when the national safety production emergency rescue team participates in accident and disaster rescue, while obeying the unified command of the on-site command center, it should improve the team's on-site rescue command mechanism to provide organizational guarantees for scientific, safe and efficient rescue. Fifth, strengthen the standardization of the team. By establishing and improving the national safety production emergency rescue team construction standards, conducting rescue capability assessments, and establishing a team entry and exit mechanism, ensure that the team always maintains the combat effectiveness required to perform its duties and missions. Establish national standards for the construction of national production safety emergency rescue teams by category and profession, establish and implement graded assessment and acceptance methods, and promote standardized management of teams. Sixth, strengthen the construction of the team's emergency rescue capabilities. Focusing on improving the team's rapid dispatch capabilities, life search and rescue capabilities, on-site combat capabilities, rescue coordination capabilities, and combat support capabilities, improve the emergency rescue system and mechanism, strengthen training and drills, and improve coordination and linkage to achieve scientific, safe, and efficient rescue. Seventh, strengthen the construction of scientific and technological equipment for the team. From the aspects of focusing on the research and development of scientific and technological equipment, strengthening the deployment of advanced and applicable equipment, and accelerating the construction of informatization and intelligence, it is clear to establish a collaborative research and development mechanism for industry, academia, research, and use, emphasize that rescue equipment should match the rescue tasks undertaken by the team, improve the rescue equipment, material reserves and call-up mechanism, and improve the level of advanced technology and equipment and application efficiency. Eighth, strengthen the construction of team talents. It is clear that it is necessary to broaden channels, build a stage, and create an environment to effectively train and cultivate rescue command talents, engineering and technical talents, and skilled craftsmen, and comprehensively improve the national production safety emergency rescue team's ability to overcome difficulties and rescue. Ninth, strengthen the construction of the team's career security policy. Use the enterprise's production safety expenses in accordance with laws and regulations to guarantee the expenditure of the team's rescue technology equipment and facility configuration expenses. Study and improve the occupational security policy of the national safety production emergency rescue team, solve the worries of the team and members, and provide security for the healthy development of the team.

The third part puts forward three specific requirements around strengthening security measures. First, strengthen organizational leadership. Relevant units, enterprises and departments should improve their positions, strengthen communication, coordination and supervision and inspection, and promote various construction tasks with high standards. Second, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities. According to the division of work, clarify the timetable, task map and responsible persons, and form a joint force for joint management. Third, strengthen public opinion propaganda, tell good rescue stories, and create a good atmosphere for promoting the construction of national safety production emergency rescue teams.

V. Main features

The "Opinions" is based on the current situation and looks to the long-term. The series of reform measures and work tasks proposed have the distinctive characteristics of unity of theory and practice, inheritance and innovation. It is a guiding document for strengthening the construction of national safety production emergency rescue teams in the current and future period.

First, grasp the positioning of responsibilities. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to establish a big safety and big emergency framework to promote the transformation of the public safety governance model to pre-prevention. The Opinions propose that the national emergency rescue team for safe production is an important part of the backbone force of the country's standing emergency response. It should demonstrate its professional advantages and play a leading role in the rescue of production safety accidents, and at the same time play a good role of "one specialty and multiple capabilities" and contribute to the rescue of natural disasters. It is also necessary to pay more attention to the role of prevention, innovate service models, actively carry out preventive safety inspections, safety emergency technical services and popular science publicity, help enterprises strengthen source control and pre-emptive prevention, continuously improve the public's awareness of safety and emergency response, and strive to eliminate risks and hidden dangers in the bud.

The second is to clarify the construction goals. Faced with the new situation, new conditions and new requirements for the development of safe production emergency rescue, the Opinions propose that by 2026, the modernization of the national emergency rescue team for safe production will make significant progress, and a batch of new teams will be appropriately built on the basis of the existing team size; by 2035, a national emergency rescue team system for safe production that is compatible with the modernization of national emergency rescue capabilities will be established. This "two-step" development goal clarifies the main direction and timeline of team building, which are mutually inherited and have their own focus. The first goal is to optimize the scale, structure and layout of the team, moderately promote the expansion of quantity and improve the level of rescue capabilities; the second goal is to pay more attention to the overall improvement of quality on the basis of completing the first goal, and form a new pattern of emergency response in accordance with the law, scientific emergency response and smart emergency response.

Third, adhere to problem orientation. After more than 70 years of exploration and development since the founding of New China, my country has embarked on a distinctive path of building a professional safety production emergency rescue team based on state-owned backbone enterprises, and the safety production emergency rescue team has become a professional backbone of production safety accident rescue work. At the same time, compared with the standards for building a national standing professional emergency backbone force in the new era, there are still many outstanding problems in team building. The "Opinions" is guided by strengthening the responsibilities and missions of the team, and supported by strengthening the construction of eight aspects such as team politics, co-construction and co-management mechanism, mobilization and command mechanism, standardization, emergency rescue capabilities, scientific and technological equipment, talents, and occupational security policies, focusing on solving the basic, source and bottleneck problems that restrict the development of team building, and promoting the overall quality upgrade of the team.

Fourth, strengthen overall coordination. Adhere to the concept of system, coordinate the forces and resources of all aspects to strengthen team building. In light of my country's national conditions and the characteristics of the socialist system, and based on the long-term experience in the construction of work safety emergency rescue teams, the Opinions proposes that the teams be jointly built and managed by the Ministry of Emergency Management (including the National Work Safety Emergency Rescue Center), the local people's government of the teams, and the supporting units. The member units of the Safety Committees at all levels should strongly support the construction of the teams and encourage social forces to participate in and support the construction of the teams. At the same time, in terms of the team mobilization and command mechanism, joint research and development of rescue technology and equipment, talent recruitment and training, and the improvement of occupational security policies, attention should be paid to giving play to the advantages and functional roles of all parties to jointly promote the construction and management of the teams. In terms of guarantee implementation, it is clearly required that the member units of the Safety Committees, the headquarters of relevant central enterprises, and the provincial emergency management departments should improve their positions, divide the work and cooperate, and strive to form a working pattern in which all parties shoulder heavy responsibilities and work together to implement the work.

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