China strides forward on the path of 'dual carbon'



In Baifotai Village, Fengle Town, Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province, photovoltaic panels shine brightly under the sunshine.


At the No. 10 gas injection station of the million ton carbon capture, utilization, and storage project in Qilu Petrochemical Shengli Oilfield, a staff member is inspecting equipment

The north platform of Zhenbei in Yuyang District, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province is surrounded by green trees. At present, the forest conservation area in Yuyang District is 4.822 million mu, which can achieve a carbon reduction of about 700000 tons per year, achieving a win-win situation of economic and ecological benefits.


  The forum is themed "Implementing the New Development Concept, Supporting Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality". Representatives from government regulatory departments, business leaders, experts and scholars, and other attending guests have had in-depth exchanges to jointly seek green, low-carbon and high-quality development.

Realizing carbon peak and carbon neutrality is a broad and profound systemic change in the economy and society. In recent years, various regions and industries in China have made many explorations on the path of green development. The green background of Beautiful China is becoming increasingly bright, and China is moving forward with great strides on the "dual carbon" road.

On the road of 'dual carbon', we move swiftly and steadily

At present, China has built the world's largest carbon market and clean power generation system, becoming the country with the fastest improvement rate in global air quality. On the road to achieving the "dual carbon" goal, China is taking steady steps.

The adjustment of energy structure is a key link in achieving the "dual carbon" goal. In recent years, China has steadily and orderly promoted the green and low-carbon transformation of energy. On the one hand, based on the basic national situation of coal as the mainstay, it vigorously promotes the clean and efficient utilization of coal and implements the "three reforms and linkage" of coal-fired power units; On the other hand, while strictly protecting the ecology, it is encouraged to plan and construct large-scale wind and photovoltaic bases with a capacity of 450 million kilowatts in desert, Gobi, and desert areas. As of the end of 2022, China's installed capacity of renewable energy reached 1.213 billion kilowatts, surpassing the total installed capacity of coal-fired power plants for the first time. In 2022, China's renewable energy generation is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 2.26 billion tons.

Data shows that transportation emissions account for about 10% of China's total carbon emissions, with road transportation accounting for over 80% of China's total transportation carbon emissions, making it the main source and focus of transportation emissions reduction. Nowadays, new energy logistics vehicles are driving through the streets of Beijing like "green ambassadors" delivering packages to thousands of households. Li Shaohua, deputy secretary-general of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said that in 2022, China's new energy commercial vehicles will sell 338000 units in total, a year-on-year increase of 78.9%, and the sales of new energy trucks will rise steadily, doubling. Since the 13th Five Year Plan, China's transportation industry has accelerated the promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction, with a total of over 1 million new energy city buses, taxis, and urban logistics delivery vehicles.

Not long ago, China's first ecological environment comprehensive monitoring satellite with business application capabilities was officially delivered. The deployment of hyperspectral observation satellites in orbit will help promote the construction of a modern ecological environment monitoring system, dynamically monitor China's air pollution status, effectively monitor the concentration and distribution of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, and serve key ecological and environmental protection tasks such as "blue sky, clear water, and clean land defense". It is of great significance to support carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

In recent years, China has continuously improved its carbon sequestration capacity by strengthening ecological environment protection. Data shows that the stability of China's ecosystem continues to improve, with natural protected areas accounting for 18% of the land area. The wild population of over 300 rare and endangered wild animals and plants is steadily increasing. China's forest area and forest stock have maintained a continuous "double growth", becoming the country with the fastest and largest carbon sink growth. In February of this year, China's first "blue carbon" auction was successfully held in Ningbo, Zhejiang, with promising prospects for blue carbon trading and the development of the blue carbon economy.

Dual carbon drives high-quality development


At present, China has established a "1+N" policy system for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. The document "1" consists of two parts: the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Fully, Accurately, and Comprehensively Implementing the New Development Concept and Doing a Good Job in Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality" and the "Action Plan for Carbon Peaking before 2030". "N" refers to the implementation plan for key areas, key industries, and related support and guarantee plans. At the same time, all provinces, regions, and cities in China have formulated local carbon peak implementation plans. Overall, China has established a carbon peak and carbon neutrality policy system with clear goals, reasonable division of labor, effective measures, and orderly connections.

Supported by such a policy system, "dual carbon" is like a powerful engine, driving China to vigorously move forward on the path of green development.

Enterprises are an important force in implementing new development concepts and promoting carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Guided by the "dual carbon" goal, Qingdao Haier Biomedical Co., Ltd. continuously achieves breakthroughs in green technology innovation and leads the green and low-carbon transformation of the biomedical industry. Haier Biomedical has taken the lead in breaking through the key technology of hydrocarbon refrigeration. In the field of ultra-low temperature storage, Haier Biomedical has developed an energy-saving core series of ultra-low temperature refrigerators, matched with hydrocarbon refrigeration systems, which can improve refrigeration efficiency by 30%, promote energy savings of 50% in the ultra-low temperature refrigerator industry, and adopt a completely fluorine free design, which has zero damage to the ozone layer and can reduce carbon emissions by nearly 100000 tons per year. The "Technical Specification for Energy saving and Environmental Protection Certification of Low temperature Storage Boxes" led by Haier Biomedical fills the gap in energy-saving and energy consumption certification standards in related fields and promotes the development of green standards in the industry.

Xi'an, Shaanxi, JD's "Asia No.1" Xi'an Intelligent Industrial Park is located in Baqiao District, with a building area equivalent to more than 40 standard football fields. This is one of the largest intelligent logistics centers in northwest China, with a peak daily order processing capacity of over 800000 pieces. All roofs in the park are equipped with photovoltaic panels, and energy storage devices are built next to them, providing clean electricity for the park and injecting "green energy" into each package delivery.

The reporter walked into the park and found that there were many "low-carbon artifacts" here, and the automated three-dimensional storage system was one of the "mysterious weapons". In the huge warehouse, stacker cranes shuttle between tracks according to instructions, and only a few staff members are doing auxiliary control work. Unlike traditional warehouses with bright lights, automated three-dimensional storage warehouses adopt a "black light" operation mode. With the help of an intelligent control platform, there is no need to turn on the lights. After the command is issued, the system automatically transfers goods from the warehouse to the warehouse. When no task is required, the transmission device can automatically shut down within 1 minute.

'Dual Carbon' connects China with the world

Currently, the global climate crisis is becoming increasingly severe and urgent, and the transition to green and low-carbon is a long and arduous task. The "2023 Global Risks Report" released by the World Economic Forum has identified the top ten global risks, many of which are related to climate change. Climate change is a problem that arises in the process of human development and must also be addressed through sustainable development.

China not only focuses on its own green development, but also resonates with the world through the "dual carbon" action.

The "the Belt and Road" is the road to economic prosperity and green development. As a responsible major country, China has always actively practiced the concept of green development, strengthened international cooperation in ecological environment governance, biodiversity conservation, and addressing climate change, and made every effort to contribute to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

China has implemented the global development initiative, promoted the establishment of a global clean energy partnership, signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Building a Green "the Belt and Road" with the United Nations Environment Programme, and signed more than 50 ecological environment protection cooperation documents with relevant countries and international organizations. By implementing the "Green Silk Road Messenger Plan", the Chinese government has trained 3000 green talents for more than 120 countries jointly building the "the Belt and Road" and provided green solutions for high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road".

The southern Italian port city of Taranto has 10 tall offshore wind turbines lined up along its coastline. This is the first offshore wind power project in the Mediterranean region - the Bele Olico offshore wind power project, with the entire set of offshore wind turbines provided by Chinese companies. For international cooperation projects with Chinese participation, many locals hope that it can turn this city into a green city.

In the distant Oceania country of Papua New Guinea, there is a well-known "divine grass": it can not only fix carbon, but also green the ground, improve soil erosion, and replace trees to cultivate fungi, solving the problem of "mushroom forest contradiction" in the development of the mushroom industry in the past - this is the mushroom grass passed down from China. Not only mushroom and grass, but also the construction of the "Green Great Wall" in Africa is supported by Chinese technology; China's technology helps Central Asian countries turn from famine to green... China is taking action to enhance the "green content" of world development.

In the 2022 Qatar World Cup, the organizers proposed the concept of innovation, sustainability, and low-carbon hosting, advocating for green and low-carbon modes of transportation. The "Green Legion" composed of Chinese pure electric buses shone outside the stadium. After the World Cup, these "Made in China" pure electric buses shuttle through the streets of Qatar and become an important part of Qatar's public transportation.

The continuous promotion of China's "dual carbon" initiative has brought more space and possibilities for sustainable development to the world.

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