Notice on Strengthening Safety Management of Internet Sales of Hazardous Chemicals


Emergency [2022] No. 119

To the Emergency Management Departments (Bureaus), Cyberspace Administration, Education Departments (Education Committees), Public Security Departments (Bureaus), Market Supervision Bureaus (Departments, Committees), Postal Administrations, Communications Administrations of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the Emergency Management Bureau, Cyberspace Administration, Education Bureau, Public Security Bureau, and Market Supervision Bureau of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

Hazardous chemicals have dangerous characteristics such as explosion, combustion, poisoning, and corrosion. Improper management can easily lead to safety accidents, causing serious harm to the human body, facilities, and the environment, and even threatening public safety. In recent years, with the rapid development of e-commerce in my country, the sale of hazardous chemicals on the Internet has increased, and the resulting safety risks and hidden problems cannot be ignored. Some units or individuals illegally sell hazardous chemicals through the Internet without permission; some e-commerce platforms or websites do not strictly review and control, and merchants arbitrarily publish information on the sale of hazardous chemicals; some laboratories and students buy hazardous chemicals online through illegal channels for convenience. The above-mentioned illegal and irregular behaviors pose major safety risks. In order to further strengthen the safety management of Internet sales of hazardous chemicals, crack down on illegal and irregular information release and sales of hazardous chemicals, effectively prevent major safety risks, and ensure social security and stability, the relevant requirements are hereby notified as follows:

1. Strictly regulate Internet sales of hazardous chemicals. Enterprises that sell hazardous chemicals through the Internet must obtain a safety production license for hazardous chemical production enterprises or a hazardous chemical business license in accordance with the law, and obtain a business license or filing for Internet information services in accordance with the requirements of the "Internet Dangerous Goods Information Release Management Regulations" before they can publish hazardous chemical sales information on their own websites. They may not publish hazardous chemical sales information or establish related links (excluding daily chemicals and medical supplies) in Internet application services other than their own websites. E-commerce platforms shall not provide hazardous chemical sales information release services for operators on the platform. Individuals are prohibited from publishing hazardous chemical sales information on the Internet.

2. Strengthen the management of illegal hazardous chemical information online. Internet service providers shall not provide network access services for the release of hazardous chemical information to individuals or units that have not obtained a safety production license for hazardous chemical production enterprises or a hazardous chemical business license, and shall strengthen the management of their access websites and user information release, and regularly inspect the released information; for hazardous chemical information that is prohibited from being released or transmitted by laws, regulations, rules and relevant national regulations, the transmission shall be stopped immediately, and disposal measures such as elimination shall be taken, relevant records shall be kept, and reports shall be made to the competent authorities. E-commerce platforms should strengthen the verification and inspection of the sales information of goods or services of operators on the platform, promptly discover and remove the illegal release of hazardous chemical sales information, and promptly report to the relevant competent authorities.

3. Strengthen the procurement management of hazardous chemicals by users such as universities and research institutes. Universities, research institutes and other institutions use hazardous chemicals frequently and in many varieties, and it is necessary to further improve the procurement management system of hazardous chemicals and strictly prevent and control safety risks in all links. Relevant regions and units should explore the establishment of a hazardous chemical procurement management platform, form a database covering the types, quantities, hazardous characteristics, emergency disposal, packaging and transportation, procurement, use, suppliers and other information of commonly used hazardous chemicals in the local unit, strictly review the qualifications of hazardous chemical suppliers to enter the platform, dynamically adjust the supplier catalog that meets the statutory qualifications as needed, and realize the "unified procurement, unified management, and effective control" of hazardous chemicals. It is necessary to rely on hazardous chemical production and operation enterprises or logistics warehouses with safety conditions, adopt the "large-scale procurement, small-scale distribution, and standardized distribution" model, and effectively control the safety risks in the procurement and storage links while meeting the needs of scientific research and experiments.

4. Strictly investigate and punish illegal online sales of hazardous chemicals. All relevant departments at all levels should attach great importance to the prevention and control of safety risks in the sale of hazardous chemicals on the Internet, and strictly investigate and punish illegal online sales of hazardous chemicals in accordance with the division of responsibilities, work together, comprehensively rectify, and form a joint force. It is necessary to focus on investigating and punishing illegal sales of hazardous chemicals without obtaining hazardous chemical safety permits, illegal release of hazardous chemical information without obtaining Internet information service business permits, illegal provision of hazardous chemical sales information release services by e-commerce platforms, and illegal and irregular delivery of hazardous chemicals. We must increase the intensity of online inspections and promptly clean up harmful information such as publicity and promotion, and inducement to illegal purchase and sale of hazardous chemicals. We must rectify Internet companies with prominent problems in accordance with the law, urge websites to conduct regular self-inspections and self-cleaning, and cut off the illegal sales chain of hazardous chemicals on the Internet. We must strengthen the tracking and tracing of illegal and irregular behaviors, strengthen information sharing and cooperation among departments, strictly implement administrative law enforcement measures, strengthen the connection between law enforcement and execution, and severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts involving hazardous chemicals.

V. Strengthen the supervision of the entire chain of Internet sales of hazardous chemicals. Emergency management departments should strengthen the safety supervision and inspection of Internet information release and sales ledgers of hazardous chemical production and operation enterprises, and work with relevant departments to crack down on unlicensed sales of hazardous chemicals in accordance with the law; urge enterprises to improve the information management ledger of hazardous chemicals, so that the source and destination of hazardous chemicals can be traced. The Internet information department should strengthen the supervision and management of Internet information content, cooperate with relevant departments to promptly clean up illegal and irregular purchase and sale of hazardous chemicals on the Internet, and deal with illegal accounts in accordance with the law. The telecommunications regulatory department should strengthen coordination and linkage with relevant departments, and deal with websites (APPs) that are found to have published hazardous chemical sales information without authorization or beyond the scope of the license in accordance with the law. Public security organs should strengthen supervision and management of network operators in accordance with their duties, and investigate and punish network operators who fail to fulfill their obligations such as network security protection in accordance with the law. Market supervision departments should cooperate with relevant departments to urge e-commerce platforms to fulfill their main responsibilities, clean up the illegal release of hazardous chemical information on the platform, and remove related products from the shelves. Postal management departments should supervise and inspect the implementation of the main responsibilities of express delivery companies for safe production in accordance with the law, urge companies to implement the "three systems" of real-name collection and delivery, collection and delivery inspection, and machine security inspection, and strictly prevent and control safety risks in the delivery process. Education departments should guide colleges and universities to strengthen the management of the purchase and use of hazardous chemicals, and work with relevant departments to promote the pilot construction of an integrated platform for the registration and purchase management of hazardous chemicals in colleges and universities, and gradually promote its application. All relevant departments should strengthen the guidance and supervision of the procurement management of hazardous chemicals in their subordinate units.

6. Increase the publicity of laws and regulations on hazardous chemical safety. All relevant departments at all levels should further increase the publicity of laws, regulations, standards and specifications related to hazardous chemical safety to enhance the safety awareness of the people. Targeted publicity of laws and regulations should be carried out for colleges and universities, and "explain the law through cases" should be used to strengthen the awareness of law-abiding units to purchase hazardous chemicals from formal channels. We should give full play to the role of mass supervision, encourage and reward reporting of illegal and irregular sales of hazardous chemicals online, and relevant departments should investigate and deal with reported information in accordance with the law.

All relevant departments at all levels should implement this notice in accordance with the requirements, and carefully study new problems and risks found in their work, take targeted countermeasures and measures to solve them, and report important situations in a timely manner.

Ministry of Emergency Management Central Cyberspace Affairs Office Ministry of Education

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Ministry of Public Security State Administration for Market Regulation

State Post Bureau

December 3, 2022

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