Hebei Province Enterprise Safety Production Standardization Construction Grading Method (Trial)


All cities (including Dingzhou and Xinji), the Emergency Management Bureau of Xiong'an New Area, and all relevant departments of the provincial department:

In order to further standardize and promote the construction of enterprise safety production standardization, in accordance with the provisions of the "Measures for the Grading of Enterprise Safety Production Standardization Construction" (Emergency [2021] No. 83) of the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Provincial Emergency Management Department has formulated the "Measures for the Grading of Enterprise Safety Production Standardization Construction in Hebei Province (Trial)", which are now issued to you. Please follow them carefully.

Hebei Provincial Emergency Management Department

October 28, 2022

Measures for the Grading of Enterprise Safety Production Standardization Construction in Hebei Province (Trial)

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 In order to further standardize and promote enterprises to carry out safety production standardization (hereinafter referred to as standardization) construction, establish and maintain a safety production management system, comprehensively control safety production work in all aspects of production and operation activities, and continuously improve the level of safety management, in accordance with the "Safety Production Law of the People's Republic of China", "Hebei Province Safety Production Regulations" and "Measures for the Grading of Enterprise Safety Production Standardization Construction" (Emergency [2021] No. 83), combined with the actual situation of our province, this method is formulated.

Article 2 This measure applies to enterprises in the chemical (including petrochemical), pharmaceutical, hazardous chemicals, fireworks, oil extraction, metallurgy, nonferrous metals, building materials, machinery, light industry, textile, tobacco, commerce and trade industries (hereinafter referred to as enterprises) within the administrative area of Hebei Province.

Article 3 Enterprises shall establish a standardized management system suitable for their own enterprises in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, rules, standards and relevant provisions of our province on production safety, combined with their own production process characteristics and safety risk identification and assessment, so as to achieve the creation of a standardized system for safety management, operating behavior, equipment and facilities, and working environment, and maintain effective operation and continuous improvement. Enterprises may voluntarily apply for standardization classification in accordance with these measures.

Article 4 Enterprise standardization levels are divided into level one, level two and level three from high to low.

Enterprise standardization classification shall be implemented in accordance with the standards formulated by the Ministry of Emergency Management. If the Ministry of Emergency Management has not formulated industry standardization classification standards, it may refer to the classification standards supporting the Basic Specifications for Enterprise Safety Standardization (GB/T33000) or the Classification and Assessment of Enterprise Safety Standardization (DB13/T2969) to carry out the standardization construction of level two and level three enterprises.

Article 5 Enterprise standardization classification shall be managed in a hierarchical manner. First-level enterprises and all grades of offshore oil enterprises shall be classified by the Ministry of Emergency Management. The Provincial Emergency Management Department and the Emergency Management Bureaus of each city (including Dingzhou and Xinji) and Xiong'an New Area are the classification departments of second-level and third-level enterprises in their respective administrative regions (hereinafter referred to as classification departments).

The Provincial Emergency Management Department is responsible for coordinating and managing the standardization of production safety of enterprises throughout the province, and the industry supervision department (section) is specifically responsible for guiding, supervising and managing the standardization of production safety in the industry.

Article 6 No fees shall be charged to enterprises for standardization classification work, and the classification department shall apply for funds from the financial department at the same level to provide financial support for standardization classification work.

Chapter II Organizational Method

Article 7 The classification department may determine the public institutions or social organizations engaged in production safety-related work as the standardization classification organization unit (hereinafter referred to as the organization unit) through the government procurement service method, or entrust the units engaged in production safety-related work to be responsible for on-site review work, or directly organize experts to conduct on-site review work.

The second-level standardization organization unit is responsible for accepting and reviewing the enterprise self-assessment report (format as shown in Appendix 1), organizing on-site assessment, on-site review, annual spot check, data maintenance of standardization information management system, archive management and other specific work, and is responsible for the assessment results.

The second-level standardization organization unit shall establish a professional technical support work mechanism for on-site assessment, continuously improve the quality of on-site assessment work, establish on-site assessment technical support units according to the requirements of the classification department, based on technical level, business capabilities, work performance, etc., and be supervised and managed by the classification department, and publish the list to the public after the approval of the classification department.

Article 8 The organizing unit and the relevant units and personnel participating in the on-site assessment shall not participate in the standardization training, consulting and other related work of the assessed enterprise.

Chapter 3 Construction and Application

Article 9 Enterprises shall independently carry out standardization construction, establish a working group headed by their main person in charge and participated by employee representatives, and establish a safety production management system with clear responsibilities, operability and operability according to the actual production process, risk situation and division of responsibilities of the enterprise, and a dual prevention mechanism with accurate risk identification and effective control measures, and promote digital and information management. Enterprises should refer to the industry standardization and grading standards, integrate their own enterprise standards and specifications into them, achieve full participation, and realize the systematization of safety management, standardization of job operation behavior, inherent safety of equipment and facilities, and fixed location of working environment equipment. Carry out self-assessment at least once a year, and form a written self-assessment report, which will be publicized within the enterprise for no less than 10 working days, promptly rectify the problems found, and continuously improve safety performance.

Article 10 Enterprises that newly carry out safety production standardization construction should inform the industry supervision department (section) at the beginning of the creation, and arrange a trial operation of no less than six months after the organization creates the standardization. After the trial operation, they should report the operation of the safety management system to the industry supervision department (section), and the industry supervision department (section) will put forward guidance opinions on standardization construction based on the company's report. Enterprises applying for grading shall conduct self-assessment in accordance with the corresponding assessment standards, submit self-assessment reports to the corresponding organization units according to the level to be applied for, and be responsible for its authenticity. The enterprise applying for classification shall have its principal person in charge promise to meet the following conditions in the self-assessment report:

(i) All the certificates and licenses required by law are complete and valid;

(ii) Safety production management institutions or safety production management personnel are set up in accordance with the law;

(iii) The principal person in charge, safety production management personnel, and special operations personnel are certified to work in accordance with the law;

(iv) No production safety accidents with death, serious injury to 3 or more people, or direct economic losses of RMB 1 million or more occurred within 1 year before the date of application for classification;

(v) No incidents causing major adverse social impact occurred;

(vi) Not included in the list of punishments for untrustworthy production safety;

(vii) One year has passed since the previous application for classification was notified of failure;

(viii) One year has passed since the standardization grade was revoked;

(ix) Comprehensive hidden danger investigation and treatment has been carried out, and major hidden dangers found have been rectified.

If it is found that the enterprise has made false promises, the classification-related work will be terminated immediately, and the enterprise's standardization classification application will no longer be accepted within 3 years.

Chapter 4 Review and Evaluation

Article 11 After receiving the self-assessment report of the enterprise, the organizing unit shall deal with it according to the following situations:

(I) If the content of the self-assessment report is wrong, incomplete or does not conform to the prescribed form, the enterprise shall be informed in writing of all the contents that need to be corrected within 5 working days; if the notification is not made within the time limit, the self-assessment report shall be accepted from the date of receipt of the self-assessment report.

(II) If the content of the self-assessment report is complete and conforms to the prescribed form, or the enterprise corrects all the contents as required, the self-assessment report shall be reviewed item by item. For those who meet the application conditions, the review opinions and the enterprise self-assessment report shall be submitted to the classification department together and the enterprise shall be informed in writing; for those who do not meet the requirements, the enterprise shall be informed in writing and the reasons shall be stated.

The review, submission and notification work shall be completed within 10 working days.

Article 12 After the grading department confirms the audit opinions and the self-assessment report submitted by the organizing unit, the organizing unit shall organize an on-site review group as required. The on-site review shall be completed within 20 working days, and the on-site review situation and non-conformities shall be formed into an on-site review report (format as Appendix 2), preliminarily determining whether the enterprise has reached the level to be applied for, and informing the enterprise in writing.

Article 13 After receiving the on-site review report, the enterprise shall complete the rectification of non-conformities within 20 working days and report the rectification situation to the on-site review group. Under special circumstances, with the approval of the organizing unit, the rectification period may be appropriately extended, but the extension period shall not exceed 20 working days.

Article 14 The on-site review group shall guide the enterprise to do a good job in rectification, and shall take written inspections or on-site reviews within 10 working days after receiving the rectification report of the enterprise to confirm whether the rectification is qualified and inform the enterprise in writing.

If the enterprise fails to complete the rectification within the prescribed period, it shall be deemed that the rectification is unqualified.

Article 15 If any of the following situations are found during the on-site review, it may be vetoed by one vote, the review shall be terminated in advance, and the on-site review shall not be passed.

(i) Upon comparison, the enterprise standardization self-assessment report adopts the wrong standard;

(ii) During the assessment period, the enterprise has a fatal production safety accident, or there is a late report, omission, false report, or concealment of a production safety accident;

(iii) During the on-site review, the enterprise is in a state of suspension, semi-suspension or suspension of business, suspension waiting for materials, overhaul, renovation or other abnormal production and operation;

(iv) The application materials are untrue, fraud is committed during the review process, or the on-site situation is seriously inconsistent with the provided materials;

(v) The enterprise does not cooperate with the review team to conduct reasonable inspections and evidence collection (including text, images, etc.);

(vi) There are major hidden dangers and they cannot be rectified immediately;

(vii) The safety production standardization management system is not effectively operated, and there is a phenomenon of "two skins" between the actual safety management situation and the system documents.

Article 16 The second-level standardization review implements the supervisor system, and the supervisor is appointed by the classification department. The supervisor can be appointed by the industry supervision department’s personnel or professionals to supervise and guide the standardization review throughout the process. The third-level standardization review can refer to it.

Chapter V Publicity and Announcement

Article 17 The organizing unit shall submit the list of enterprises that have been confirmed to have qualified rectification and meet the corresponding grading standards to the corresponding grading department on a regular basis. After the grading department confirms the submission, it shall make it public on the website of the government or department at the same level and accept social supervision. The publicity period shall not be less than 7 working days.

During the publicity period, if the grading department receives feedback that the enterprise does not meet the grading standards and other related requirements, the grading department shall organize verification.

Article 18 For enterprises that have no objection to the publicity or have no problems reported after verification, the grading department shall confirm its grade, announce it, and copy it to the industrial and information technology, human resources and social security, state-owned assets supervision and management, market supervision and management departments and trade union organizations at the same level, as well as the corresponding banking, insurance and securities regulatory authorities.

For enterprises that have not been announced, the grading department shall inform them in writing that they have not passed the grading and explain the reasons.

Article 19 The validity period of the enterprise standardization grade is 3 years.

Article 20 Enterprises that have obtained standardization grades can apply for grading again in accordance with the procedures prescribed in these Measures 3 months before the expiration of the validity period.

If an enterprise reapplies for the original grade and meets the following conditions during the validity period of the standardization grade, it shall be directly publicized and announced after confirmation by the classification department:

(i) No production safety fatalities occurred;

(ii) No production safety accidents occurred in the second-level and third-level enterprises with a total of 5 or more serious injuries or direct economic losses of 5 million yuan or more;

(iii) No incidents that caused major adverse social impacts occurred;

(iv) No major revisions have been made to relevant laws, regulations, rules, standards and relevant standards for the classification of the industry;

(v) No major changes have been made to production processes, equipment, products, raw and auxiliary materials, etc., and no new construction, reconstruction, or expansion projects;

(vi) Self-evaluation is carried out in accordance with regulations and a self-evaluation report is submitted.

Chapter VI Supervision and Management

Article 21 The classification department shall establish a work log for enterprise standardization classification and record relevant information on standardization classification.

Article 22 If the emergency management departments at all levels find that an enterprise has any of the following circumstances during their daily supervision and law enforcement work, they shall immediately inform the original classification department and revoke its grade. The original classification department shall make an announcement and copy to the industrial and information technology, human resources and social security, state-owned assets supervision and management, market supervision and management departments and trade union organizations at the same level, as well as the corresponding banking, insurance and securities regulatory authorities.

(i) Production safety fatalities occur;

(ii) Production safety accidents with a total of 3 or more serious injuries or direct economic losses of RMB 1 million or more occur within 12 consecutive months;

(iii) Events that cause major adverse social impacts occur;

(iv) Concealing, falsely reporting, delaying or failing to report production safety accidents;

(v) Being included in the list of punishments for production safety dishonesty;

(vi) Providing false materials or obtaining standardization grades by other improper means;

(vii) Having administrative licenses cancelled, revoked or revoked, or no longer engaging in production and operation activities in related industries;

(viii) There are major production safety accident hazards, and rectification is not completed within the prescribed period;

(ix) Failure to operate continuously and effectively in accordance with the standardized management system, with serious circumstances.

Article 23 The classification departments at all levels shall strengthen the supervision and management of standardization classification related units and their personnel, conduct spot checks on standardization related materials, and interview the main responsible persons of the relevant units if they find that the review is not strict, the on-site review conclusions are untrue, the reports are plagiarized or there are obvious errors; if the standardization classification related units and their personnel are found to participate in the standardization training and consulting related work of the reviewed enterprises, or there are behaviors such as charging enterprises fees or issuing false reports, the qualifications of the relevant units shall be revoked and they shall be severely dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations.

Chapter VII Application of Results

Article 24 Emergency management departments at all levels shall coordinate relevant departments to take effective incentive measures to support and encourage enterprises to carry out standardization construction.

(I) Take the enterprise standardization construction as an important basis for classified and graded supervision, implement differentiated supervision on enterprises of different levels, and mainly conduct law enforcement spot checks on first- and second-level enterprises to reduce the frequency of law enforcement inspections;

(II) In principle, first- and second-level enterprises are not included in the scope of regional production restrictions and suspension measures for relevant enterprises due to safety production policy reasons;

(III) In principle, first- and second-level enterprises are given priority for resumption of production acceptance after suspension;

(IV) If standardized grade enterprises meet the conditions for reducing the work-related injury insurance premium rate, their work-related injury insurance premium rate shall be reduced in accordance with regulations;

(V) Standardization The safety production liability insurance of graded enterprises shall be supported in accordance with relevant policy provisions;

(VI) The enterprise standardization grade shall be used as one of the important bases for credit rating assessment, and financial credit institutions shall be supported and encouraged to give priority to providing credit services to qualified standardized graded enterprises;

(VII) Standardized graded enterprises that apply for national and local quality awards, excellent brands and other qualifications and honors shall be given priority support or recommendation;

(VIII) Standardized graded enterprises that meet the selection and recommendation conditions shall be given priority recommendation to participate in the selection of advanced units (collectives), safety culture demonstration enterprises, etc. in their respective regions, industries and fields.

Article 25 The implementation of safety production standardization of enterprises in various places shall be included in the annual safety production assessment content.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 26 The relevant work of each link of enterprise standardization grading shall be carried out through the Hebei Province "Internet + Safety Production" Comprehensive Supervision Information Platform.

Article 27 The Emergency Management Bureau of each city (including Dingzhou and Xinji) and Xiong'an New Area may formulate the implementation measures for the three-level standardization construction and grading according to these measures and the actual situation of the region, and report them to the Hebei Provincial Emergency Management Department for filing.

The standardization of production safety in small and micro enterprises shall be carried out by the county-level emergency management departments in accordance with the relevant national assessment standards and requirements.

Article 27 The Emergency Management Bureaus of each city (including Dingzhou and Xinji) and Xiong'an New Area may formulate the implementation measures for the three-level standardization construction and grading according to these measures and the actual situation of the region, and report them to the Hebei Provincial Emergency Management Department for filing.

The work of safety production standardization of small and micro enterprises shall be evaluated by the county-level emergency management departments in accordance with the relevant national assessment standards and requirements and with reference to these measures.

Article 28 The Hebei Provincial Emergency Management Department shall be responsible for interpreting these measures and shall come into force on the date of publication. The "Management Measures for Safety Production Standardization of Enterprises in Hebei Province" (Hebei Emergency Politics and Law [2019] No. 100) shall be automatically repealed.

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