Yangmei Group Shenzhou Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd. Safety Status Evaluation Report

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1. Name of safety assessment project:
Yangmei Group Shenzhou Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd. Safety Status Evaluation Report
2. Introduction to the safety assessment project:
The predecessor of Yangmei Group Shenzhou Fertilizer Co., Ltd. was Shenxian Fertilizer Factory, which was founded in 1972. In July 1999, the enterprise was restructured into a private enterprise and renamed Shenzhou Fertilizer General Factory; in September 2008, Yangmei Group and Shenzhou Fertilizer General Factory cooperated to establish a joint-stock enterprise, and renamed Shenzhou Fertilizer General Factory to Yangmei Group Shenzhou Fertilizer Co., Ltd. The holding ratio of Yangmei Group and Shenzhou Fertilizer General Factory is 51:49.
  The company address is located on the west side of the west outer ring road in Shenzhou City, the legal representative: Liu Xiaofeng, the registered capital is two thousand two hundred thousand five thousand nine thousand thousand land hundred yuan. It is a nitrogen fertilizer enterprise that produces synthetic ammonia from coal. After years of continuous development, it has formed 100,000 tons/year of synthetic ammonia (including methanol 30,000 tons/year, liquid ammonia 40,000 tons/year, ammonium bicarbonate 80,000 tons/year (now discontinued), sulfur 600 tons/year) capacity.
  In order to further improve the economic and social benefits and the market competitiveness of the enterprise, the company began to carry out technical transformation of the 100,000-ton synthetic ammonia project in 2007, with an annual output of 200,000 tons of synthetic ammonia and new production varieties of urea and dimethyl ether. So far, except for the urea plant that has not been built, the rest have been completed. According to the relevant administrative licensing requirements, the pre-safety establishment evaluation and safety facility design have been carried out, and are now being submitted for review. The scope of evaluation of this report does not cover technical transformation and expansion, but only evaluates the original 100,000-ton synthetic ammonia project.
  Shenzhou Chemical Fertilizer Company's products such as liquid ammonia, methanol, intermediate product semi-water gas, and by-product sulfur are all dangerous chemicals, so the enterprise is a hazardous chemical production enterprise. Shenzhou Chemical Fertilizer Company has a safety production license issued by Hebei Provincial Safety Production Supervision and Administration Bureau, the certificate number is (Ji) WH Anxu license word [2014] 110064, the scope of the license is liquid ammonia, methanol, sulfur; the safety production license is valid until May 21, 2016.
  The company currently has 430 employees, including more than 20 technicians. The company has a special safety production management organization - the Safety Section, which is specifically responsible for the daily safety management of the whole company. The company is equipped with 10 full-time safety production management personnel.
  Shenzhou Chemical Fertilizer Company has established a "three systems", formulated an accident emergency rescue plan and conducted regular drills. The general manager, safety department and the safety management personnel of each workshop have all passed the safety qualification training organized by the Safety Production Supervision and Administration Bureau and passed the assessment, and obtained the qualification of safety production management. Special operations personnel have been trained by relevant departments and have obtained a certificate of conformity; post staff have passed the Security Training organized by the unit and passed the assessment, and have the qualification for safety production.
  Shenzhou Chemical Fertilizer Company has actively carried out safety standardization work and passed the three-level safety standardization evaluation.
3. Safety evaluation project leader, technical leader, process control leader, evaluation report compiler, report auditor, safety evaluator, registered safety engineer, and technical expert involved in the evaluation:
  Safety evaluation project leader: Gao Weili
  Technical person in charge: Cao Shuhua
  Person in charge of process control: Wang Lin
  Evaluation Report Compilers: Xu Zhe, Sun Guang, Wang Ying
  Report Reviewer: Zhou Junhong
  Safety evaluators, registered safety engineers, and technical experts participating in the evaluation work: Gao Weili, Xu Zhe, Sun Guang, Wang Ying, Zhou Junhong, Cao Shuhua
4. List of personnel, time, and main tasks to carry out safety evaluation work on site, and evaluation report time:
 In March 2016, Shenzhou Chemical Fertilizer Co., Ltd. of Yangmei Group entrusted Hebei Huafei Technology Consulting Co., Ltd. to undertake the safety evaluation of the factory. Safety evaluation was carried out on the company's production, storage and transportation equipment and public works, and a safety evaluation technical service contract was signed.
This safety status evaluation is based on the company's surrounding relationships, general layout, production equipment, supporting public works and auxiliary facilities, safety management, etc. This safety status evaluation is mainly based on the checklist evaluation method. According to the current laws and regulations of the country, standards and norms are compared to identify non-conformities, so that enterprises can carry out targeted rectification and improvement; for dangerous and harmful factors with higher risk levels, pre-risk analysis method, risk assessment method and major accident consequence simulation are used to evaluate the degree of danger quantitatively, providing a basis for enterprises to formulate emergency rescue plans and key prevention.
  After solid work, the safety status evaluation report of this project was completed in May 2016.
