Cangzhou Joint Stock Company Safety Evaluation Report

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1. Safety evaluation project name: Cangzhou Dahua joint stock company dinitrotoluene (DNT) technical transformation project (phase I) safety facilities completion acceptance safety evaluation report
2. Introduction to the safety assessment project:
  The construction unit of this project is Cangzhou Dahua joint stock company, and the unit where the project is located is Juhai Branch of Cangzhou Dahua joint stock company. Cangzhou Dahua joint stock company belongs to Cangzhou Dahua Group Co., Ltd. Cangzhou Dahua Group Co., Ltd. Formerly known as Cangzhou Fertilizer Factory in Hebei Province, Cangzhou Dahua Group Co., Ltd. is a large-scale backbone enterprise of nitrogen fertilizer production in our country and a main enterprise of TDI production. It produces and sells synthetic ammonia, urea, TDI, nitric acid, caustic soda and other products. In October 2006, Cangzhou Dahua Group Co., Ltd. and China Chemical Group carried out asset restructuring and became a holding subsidiary of China Chemical Group.
Cangzhou Dahua joint stock company began to plan and build a series of construction projects in Cangzhou Bohai New Area Chemical Industry Park in 2003, and established Cangzhou Dahua joint stock company Juhai Branch on February 24, 2009, mainly responsible for the implementation and management of Cangzhou Dahua joint stock company construction projects in Cangzhou Bohai New Area Chemical Industry Park. Juhai Branch plant has been built and put into operation 50,000 tons/year TDI device (including the original 60,000 tons/year DNT device) and new 60,000 tons/year DNT device, the built 70,000 tons/year TDI device is in the process of trial production, the project under construction is 160,000 tons/year ion membrane caustic soda device, planning and proposed projects have 100,000 tons/year nitric acid device.
  The DNT produced by the two DNT units of Juhai Branch is one of the main production raw materials for the final product TDI. The existing 50,000 tons/year TDI project (planned technical transformation to 80,000 tons/year TDI project) and the 70,000 tons/year TDI project put into practice run will form a production scale of 150,000 tons/year TDI. The company's existing two sets of 60,000 tons/year dinitrotoluene (DNT) plant capacity cannot meet the needs of TDI production equipment. Therefore, Cangzhou Dahua joint stock company will transform two sets of 60,000 tons/year dinitrotoluene (DNT) plants of Juhai Branch, and the plant expansion is about 45%. Each unit reaches an annual output of 88,450 tons of DNT. The technical transformation is gradually implemented in two phases. The first phase is the technical transformation of the original 60,000 tons/year dinitrotoluene (DNT) plant included in the 50,000 tons/year TDI project, and the second phase is the technical transformation of the new 60,000 tons/year DNT plant. The content of this acceptance is the first phase of the dinitrotoluene (DNT) technical transformation project of Cangzhou Dahua joint stock company.
3. Safety evaluation project leader, technical leader, process control leader, evaluation report compiler, report auditor, safety evaluator, registered safety engineer, and technical expert involved in the evaluation:
  Safety evaluation project leader: Zhang Lijuan
  Technical person in charge: Cao Shuhua
  Person in charge of process control: Wang Lin
  Compilers of the evaluation report: Yang Jiangming, Xu Zhe, Sun Guang, Ma Junxing, Zhang Jiandong
  Report Reviewer: Gao Weili
  Safety evaluators, registered safety engineers, and technical experts participating in the evaluation work: Zhang Lijuan, Xu Zhe, Sun Guang, Yang Jiangming, Ma Junxing, Zhang Jiandong
4. List of personnel, time, and main tasks to carry out safety evaluation work on site, and evaluation report time:
  In June 2012, Cangzhou Dahua joint stock company Juhai Branch approached Hebei Huafei Technology Consulting Co., Ltd. to discuss the safety evaluation of the completion and acceptance of the safety facilities of the company's dinitrotoluene (DNT) technical transformation project (phase I). Huafei Company appointed relevant personnel to the site of Juhai Branch in June 2012 to conduct on-site inspections, understand the main equipment, production scale, general layout, public works supply and surrounding relationships of the project, and collect relevant information of the project, and make relevant risk analysis of the project. After many conferrals, the relevant personnel of the two companies formed a preliminary intention and initially clarified the object and scope of the evaluation. During the evaluation process, the members of the evaluation team carefully analyzed and sorted out the relevant materials provided by the enterprise and collected on site, went to the project unit Cangzhou Dahua joint stock company Juhai branch to investigate the site, invited relevant personnel to introduce the relevant situation of the project, and the surrounding environment and site were inspected in detail, the dangerous and harmful factors of the project were identified, and the inherent risk degree of the project was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated according to the divided evaluation unit. The risk degree of the project and the safety conditions and safety conditions were analyzed, and the hidden dangers of the project were put forward. Reasonable and feasible safety countermeasures and suggestions were put forward, and opinions were exchanged with the construction unit. The construction unit carried out active rectification and formed an evaluation report after passing the review. On November 11, 2012, the Safety Science and Technology Center of Hebei Provincial Safety Production Supervision and Administration Bureau organized experts to review the report and put forward amendments. The evaluation team made serious revisions to the report according to the expert opinions and delivered it to the construction unit after improvement.
