Jiangsu Huifeng Biological Agriculture Joint Stock Company Production Project Safety Evaluation Report

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1. Name of safety assessment project:
 Jiangsu Huifeng biological and agricultural joint stock company 1000t/a bifenthrin technical drug, 3000t/a prochloramine technical drug, 500t/a prochloramine manganese salt technical drug, 500t/a prochloramine copper salt technical drug, 900t/a enylmorpholine technical drug, 2000t/a dithionon technical drug, 1000t/a anti-inverted ester technical drug, 500t/a carboxymethylmethylmethoxalether technical drug, 100t/a flupromethrin technical drug, 40000t/a preparation processing and production project safety status (certificate replacement) evaluation report
2. Introduction to the safety assessment project:
 Jiangsu Huifeng biological agricultural joint stock company (hereinafter referred to as "Huifeng shares") formerly known as Jiangsu Huifeng agrochemical joint stock company, its predecessor is Jiangsu Dafeng agrochemical factory, established in 1989, 1999 through the shareholding system transformation, initiated the establishment of Jiangsu Huifeng agrochemical joint stock company, listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on November 9, 2010 (stock abbreviation "Huifeng shares" stock code: 002496), has become a national well-known pesticide enterprise integrating R & D, production, domestic and international trade, with the capacity of synthetic original drugs, processing, compound preparations 200,000 tons, and has become the industry's leading prochloramide original drugs, octyl bromobenzonitrile original drugs, fluorocyclozole original drugs, etc Base, a national designated pesticide production enterprise, a star enterprise in Jiangsu Province, an "AAA" credit rating enterprise, and an advanced collective in the national petroleum and chemical industries. On August 29, 2017, it was renamed Jiangsu Huifeng Biological Agriculture joint stock company.
 Huifeng shares on February 11, 2018 to renew the safety production license (license number: < Su > WH security certificate word [J00138], valid period: February 11, 2018 to February 10, 2021, licensed products are: hydrochloric acid, sulfur, phosphite, sodium hypochlorite solution [containing effective chlorine > 5%], methanol-ethanol mixture, aluminum trichloride solution, triethylamine, 1,2-dichloroethane, 1-aminopropane, 2-methyl-2-propanol, peracetic acid, acetic acid solution, sodium hydroxide solution, octanoyl chloride, methanol, 3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile). The production projects involved are: 1000t/a bifenthrin, 3000t/a prochloramide in the first phase, 3000t/a prochloramide expansion in the second phase, 500t/a prochloramide manganese salt, 500t/a prochloramide copper salt, 900t/a enylmorpholine, 2000t/a high-efficiency cyhalothrin, 280t/a high-efficiency cyhalothrin, 1000t/a dithionon, 1000t/a dithionon (technical transformation and capacity expansion), 300t/a fluorocyclozole, 1000t/a fluorocyclozole, 1000t/a anti-inert, 10000t/a octyl bromobenzonitrile (5000t/a in the first phase of the project), 500t/a carboxymethyl herbicide ether, 500t/a herbicide, 40000t/a preparation processing project. On April 28, 2019, it passed the certificate renewal of the second-level enterprise (chemical industry) of safety production standardization (certificate number: Su AQBHII 201936192).
 Huifeng shares in 2018 after the replacement of hazardous chemicals safety production license, according to the market conditions of the product structure adjustment, abandoned the hazardous chemicals safety production license of 10000t/a octyl bromobenzonitrile (the first phase of the project 5000t/a), the first phase of 3000t/a prochloramide, 500t/a herbicide, 300t/a fluorocyclozole original drug project and in 2018 when the replacement is in practice running 1000t/a cyanofluoroxyl ester project, 1000t/a fluorocyclozole project due to technical transformation involves changes in process, equipment or materials, the enterprise according to the technical transformation project re-declared the project for the record, and by the Yancheng Emergency Management Bureau after the safety conditions review obtained the safety conditions review opinion (salt hazardous chemical project < conditions > review word [2021] ] No. 1). In order to meet the requirements of automation upgrade and improvement of safety and environmental protection, and to further improve the quality of products, Huifeng shares have upgraded the 1000t/a bifenthrin technical transformation project, 900t/a enylmorpholine technical transformation project, 3000t/a Prochloramine expansion project (Phase II), 500t/a Prochloramine copper salt, 500t/a Prochloramine manganese salt project, 1000t/a dithione technical drug project, 1000t/a dithione technical transformation and expansion project, 1000t/a anti-inverted ester technical production line technical transformation project, 500t/a carboxymethyl carboxymethylene oxalate technical drug project without changing the main reaction principle and production capacity, and 40000t/a preparation project has been updated Part of the production varieties. Huifeng shares entrusted Hebei Huafei Technology Consulting Co., Ltd. to undertake the above project special project safety evaluation work, the special project safety evaluation report has been confirmed by expert review.
 The products and corresponding production equipment for which Huifeng has received the safety production license are shown in Table 2.
 The varieties and production capacity of Huifeng's application for safety production license this time are: by-products: hydrochloric acid (3412t/a), sulfur (254 tons/year), sodium hypochlorite solution [containing more than 5% available chlorine] (70t/a); intermediate products: hydrochloric acid (440.8t/a), sodium hydroxide solution [content ≥ 30%] (49.94t/a), triethylamine (1917.2 tons/year), 1,2-dichloroethane (5784 tons/year), 1-aminopropane (n-propane) (3393 tons/year), 2-methyl-2-propanol (tert-butanol) (155 tons/year), methanol (57.5 tons/year).
 According to the relevant regulations of the state and Jiangsu Province and the evaluation contract signed by Hebei Huafei Science and Technology Consulting Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Huifeng Biological Agriculture joint stock company, the evaluation scope is Jiangsu Huifeng Biological Agriculture joint stock company 1000t/a bifenthrin technical drug, 3000t/a Prochloramine technical drug, 500t/a Prochloramine manganese salt technical drug, 500t/a Prochloramine copper salt technical drug, 900t/a Enylmorpholine technical drug, 2000t/a Dithianon technical drug, 1000t/a anti-invertate technical drug, 500t/a carboxymethoxalethers technical drug, 100t/a Flupromethrin technical drug, 40000t/a preparation processing and production project external safety conditions, general layout and construction (structure) Evaluation of safety conditions for process systems, equipment and facilities, public works and auxiliary projects, safety management, etc.
3. Safety evaluation project leader, technical leader, process control leader, evaluation report compiler, report auditor, safety evaluator, registered safety engineer, and technical expert involved in the evaluation:
 Safety evaluation project leader: Gao Weili
 Technical person in charge: Zhou Junhong
 Person in charge of process control: Sun Guang
 Compilers of the evaluation report: Gao Weili, Chen Yuan, Ma Junxing, Zhao Yun, Yang Jiangming, Zhang Peng
 Report Reviewer: Zhou Junhong
 Safety evaluators, registered safety engineers, and technical experts participating in the evaluation work: Gao Weili, Chen Yuan, Ma Junxing, Zhao Yun, Yang Jiangming, Zhang Peng, Zhou Junhong, Sun Guang
4. List of personnel, time, and main tasks to carry out safety evaluation work on site, and evaluation report time:
 In July 2020, Huafei Company established an engineering evaluation team to officially start the evaluation work. The evaluators communicated with the relevant personnel of Zhongneng International Petrochemical Co., Ltd. for many times to collect relevant information. They went to the site to follow up the investigation and grasp the first-hand information data at the first time. During the evaluation process, the members of the evaluation team carefully analyzed and sorted out the relevant materials provided by the enterprise and collected on site. After solid and meticulous work, the safety evaluation report of this project was compiled and completed in early February 2021.
